Into Words Poetry Programme (3 copies)
DVD unknown Unknown 2003 0:00

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Summary: Recording in which Jaap Blonk reads a Hugo Ball sound poem; Carrie Etter - Fine de siecle; David Hopkins - Grandma; Alec Finlay - The Book of Questions; Alec Finlay and David Hopkins - Renga; A B Jackson - The Sleeping Gypsy; Lavinia Greenlaw - The Spirit
Title number: 5099
LSA ID: LSA/6887
Description: Recording in which Jaap Blonk reads a Hugo Ball sound poem; Carrie Etter - Fine de siecle; David Hopkins - Grandma; Alec Finlay - The Book of Questions; Alec Finlay and David Hopkins - Renga; A B Jackson - The Sleeping Gypsy; Lavinia Greenlaw - The Spirit