Whitechapel Gallery Archive
The Whitechapel Gallery's moving image collection consists of artists interview, discussions and artists films from the 1960s to the present day. This material is in the main produced to accompany exhibitions held at the Whitechapel Gallery. This media is held on a variety of formats including 16mm film, Umatic, VHS, Betamax and DVD. A small amount is available currently on DVD for access.

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The Whitechapel Gallery is the artists gallery for everyone. For over a century the Gallery has premiered world-class artists from modern masters such as Picasso and Pollock to contemporaries such as Gilbert & George and Lucian Freud. We bring together artists and auidences to give everyone a direct experience of art.
77 - 82 Whitechapel High Street
E1 7QZ
Email: archiveenquiries@whitechapelgallery.org
Phone: 020 7522 7862
Access: Material is available via a pre-booked appointment with the archivist. Details and an enquiry form can be found here: http://www.whitechapelgallery.org/archive
We collect material relating to events and exhibitions that have taken place in the Whitechapel Gallery over its history. This accumulates naturally via our own programme of event and interview recordings.