R.A.F. Freedom of the Borough of Uxbridge
16mm film Colour Sound 18.03.1960-19.03.1960 16:05

Summary: Film show ceremony of granting the freedom of the Borough to the Royal Air Force in March 1960.
Title number: 378
Description: The film begins with a special meeting of Uxbridge council on Friday 18th March 1960 at the RAF Station Cinema in Uxbridge, in order to bestow freedom of the borough upon the RAF. Mace on the table, council in full session. The Mayor of the borough, Alderman G.A. Souter JP calls on the Town Clerk to read the notice convening the meeting, followed by the Chaplain opening the meeting with prayers. Alderman S.C. Clifton then called upon to move the motion on the notice convening the meeting. Alderman T.J. Parker seconds the motion. Alderman Megerson and Alderman Gedstone speak warmly in support of the motion. Some councillors also speak in favour of the motion. The Town Clerk reads the motion and the Mayor puts it to the council. The motion is carried unanimously and with acclamation. The Mayor calls the session closed and invites all present to the formal ceremony on the following day. The Uxbridge fanfare is played by the Fanfare Trumpeters of the RAF Central Band. The film then shows the ceremonial events of the next day on the parade ground of the RAF station. A crowd of thousands watch the ceremony presenting the RAF with the freedom of the Borough of Uxbridge. Council members, selected guests and senior RAF personnel take their places at either side of a dais. At 2.30 the Mayor accompanied by Station Commander, Group Captain J.H.D. Chapel, the Town Clerk, Chaplain and mace bearer arrive in procession and stand on the dais. A formation of operational aircraft does a fly past over head. The Mayor inspects the parade. The Chaplain reads prayers. The Mayor gives an address about the good relations between the town and the RAF Station. The Town Clerk reads the scroll giving the freedom of the Borough. The Mayor asks the Station Commander to sign the document giving the freedom. The Station Commander gives a speech of thanks. The parade commander leads a march across the ground. A salute is given for the honour conferred. The scroll bearer accepts the scroll and marches across the ground in slow time. The parade then moves off led by its marching band. The parade moves through the town of Uxbridge. The dignitaries of the town leave the air base by St Andre's Gate and proceed to the saluting dais in the town's High Street where the Mayor takes the salute of the men. The film ends with shots of the scroll framed for display and its ceremonial silver casket.
Keywords: Air force
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hillingdon; Uxbridge