Uxbridge Charter Celebrations
16mm film Colour;Black & White Sound 18.05.1955 13:31

Summary: A civic film recording Uxbridge Charter Day on the 18th May 1955.
Title number: 376
Description: Uxbridge town centre is decked out for celebration on the day of being granted a Borough Charter. Crowds line the bunting bedecked streets waving small union flags. The activity centres on the area around the ABC Regal Cinema and the County Library opposite. The cinema's billing sign reads Uxbridge Charter Day and smartly dressed ushers guide a series of smartly dressed guests into the lobby. Some arrive by foot, others in chauffeur driven cars. Some of the men are wearing top hat and tails. The Mayor and Mayoress arrive by car, with the Mayor wearing his ceremonial chain. A brass band plays seated outside the County Library, while mounted police officers patrol the crowds. A series of youth organisations marches past the crowds and into the cinema including troupes of boys brigade, military cadets and scouting organisations. A red carpet is laid out before the cinema lobby and hastily pressed flat. The dignitaries line up alongside the red carpet while RAF men in dress uniforms stand on guard opposite. A royal car arrives and discharges its party including the Duchess of Kent. The Duchess shakes hands with the dignitaries and goes on to inspect the RAF men. A black and white sequence follows, filmed inside the cinema where speeches are delivered and the charter documentation awarding Uxbridge its borough status is signed at tables positioned on the stage. Another colour sequence shows the royal party and dignitaries leaving the cinema. The crowds and activity have stopped a group of trolleybuses from proceeding on their routes.
Credits: sponsor: Hillingdon Community Association
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hillingdon; Uxbridge