Traffic Calming in Clerkenwell
VHS Colour Sound 1993 20:20

Summary: Traffic Calming in Clerkenwell
Title number: 2452
LSA ID: LSA/3217
Description: A video made to support a series of traffic calming measures proposed by the Clerkenwell Community Trust for the Clerkenwell area of the London Borough of Islington. The proposals are introduced by John Douglas, the Environmental and Transport Planning Consultant to the Trust. Mr Douglas proposes a range of physical and psychological measures to improve the behaviour of drivers including road humps, pinch points, the use of raised crossings, and different coloured road surfaces. The Reference Librarian at Finsbury Library, David Withey, is filmed describing the development of Islington to children and a teacher from Clerkenwell Parochial School. Using an old map of the area, Mr Withey shows how streets have covered over open space. A 1907 postcard showing Amwell Street looking toward Pentoville Road is used to indicate how little traffic there was in the past, even after streets had been built. A photo of a 1937 street party in Lloyd Row indicates a lost street life in the area. Norman Beddington, the secretary of the Clerkenwell Community Trust, speaks about how unnecessary traffic passes through Clerkenwell using it as a shortcut between King's Cross and the City having a negative effect on the quality of life of people living in the neighbourhood. Some schoolchildren interview an old man on the street, a local butcher, a woman pedestrian, a male car driver, a shop owner who's premises were crashed into and a local doctor about the proposed traffic calming. While there is some agreement with the strategy, other opinions are that he would have no effect, or simply direct the problem elsewhere. In a private home a group of children and adults watch back video recordings of the interviews, and look at a modern map showing the Trust's proposed improvements. The improvements include paved pedestrian crossings, widening the pavement at corners, and nibs on the street junction. Some of the areas of concern are Lloyd Baker Street, Pentoville Road, Middleton Street, and Goswell Road. A Trust member discusses suggestions with a local resident at the end of Cruickshank Street. A commuter who cycles in from Wood Green describes the dangers of the junction of Amwell Street and Roseberry Avenue. He supports the traffic calming measures but believe they are attempting to treat the symptom rather than the cause of the problem, which is too much traffic. A resident of a tower block on Skinner Street talks about her fears for the safety of her family crossing the road. Environmental and Transport Planning are filmed monitoring vehicle speeds on Percival Street. Some Trust members visit a traffic calmed area in Whitechapel, Tower Hamlets. Teenagers talk about the desirability of cars and their dislike for cycling. Councillor Anne Gilman, the Mayor of Islington speaks about the disjunct between traffic in Islington and the level of car ownership in the Borough. The video ends with a Bank Holiday Street Party on Woodbridge Street shows the streets being reclaimed, temporarily, from road traffic.
Credits: Director: Andrew Hill; Director: Phil Shepherd; Producer: Andrew Hill; Producer: Phil Shepherd; Photography: Andrew Hill; Photography: Phil Shepherd; Music: John Parker; Production Assistant: Simon Llewellyn; On Line Editor: Andrew Rix
Keywords: Road safety; Traffic calming
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Islington