King's Cross Festival 2001
VHS Colour Sound 2001 134:49

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Summary: Recording of performances at the King's Cross Festival.
Title number: 2450
LSA ID: LSA/3215
Description: The video begins with the Mayors of Islington and Camden officially declaring the festival open in the assembly hall of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School on Risinghill Street. The festival acts include performances by student members of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School and arts and community groups from the local area. Performances from groups outside the school include dance routines by the Zoid Induction Company, some dramatic scenes acted by members of the GEAT - Genna Ethiopian Arts & Theatre, the Sen Do kickboxing Group performing a mock combat with male and female members demonstrating moves, women dancers in white dresses from the Latin American Elderly Project moving to drums, clapping and singing and The Camden West African Community Project playing an elaborate drum based composition accompanied by dancers and stilt walkers. The contributions from Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School pupils include a multicultural fashion show featuring catwalk modelling of women's clothes, including jeans, European dresses, saris and sarongs. A small group of students performing an Indian dance routine to a Bollywood tune. ...gata Zakrocka, a year 11 student at Elizabeth Garrett Anderson sings a song acapella. While the EGA percussion group perform 'Oye Como Va'. A group of five young black women who were formerly students at Elizabeth Garrett Anderson also perform an R&B song. The Zoid Induction Company performs twice in the video, with a large amount of the recording consisting of their second performance. The modern routines of the dancers make use of elaborate costumes, large pieces of fabric and inflatables.
Further information: Onscreen text introduces the different performances, but some of it is off frame on the left hand side. Ellipses ( . . . ) in the Description text indicate where names have been rendered incomplete and unrecoverable.
Keywords: Art festivals
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Islington