A Journey Through Islington
VHS Colour Sound 2001 59:30

Summary: National Poetry Day celebrated in the London Borough of Islington.
Title number: 2448
LSA ID: LSA/3213
Description: A video created for Islington Library & Information Service as part of their contribution to 'National Poetry Day' on Thursday the 4th of October 2001. Adults sat within Islington Town Hall read poems to the camera. Councillor Leish Fullick, the Chief Executive of Islington Council reads a poem about Islington called 'The Inner City' by Mike Merchant, Councillor James Kempton reads 'Pedlars Caravan' by William Brighton Rounds, Councillor Margaret Dunn reads 'The Owl and the Pussycat' by Edward Lear and Jonathan Slater, the Director of Education for Islington Council reads Michael Rosen's poem 'By Mash Potato'. The adults are followed by a series of children reciting their own poems (many on the topic of carnival) before an audience in a classroom setting. The children featured are Alice Markey, Christien Fitzpatrick, Mukil Menon, Gloria Azubuike, William Buckley and Melody Azubuike. The video includes brief views of locations around the Borough including Islington Town Hall on Upper Street, a section of the Grand Union Canal, Sadler's Wells Theatre, Highbury Fields and Clerkenwell.
Credits: Producer: Tony Brown; Camera: Steve Keay; Technical Facilities: Islington Arts Resources; Editor: Graeme Kennedy
Further information: The tape appears to have been made for continuous rotation on a public display and includes the circa ten minute item repeated six times on the cassette in order to avoid the need for constant monitoring. Many of the children's poems are on the topic of carnival and one explicitly mentions Notting Hill suggesting that they were written at the start of term just after the Notting Hill Carnival.
Keywords: Libraries; Poetry