Harefield 2000: Festival and Carnival
VHS Colour Sound 17.06.2000 130:00

Summary: Semi-professional video of Harefield village's millennium celebrations.
Title number: 2387
LSA ID: LSA/3137
Description: The village of Harefield celebrates the new millennium with a carnival procession and festival. The procession begins proceedings with marching walkers leading a collection of vintage and classic cars and a number of carnival floats. A number of local groups are in evidence including the Harefield Scouts, Harefield History Society and Harefield Tenants and Residents group. A tractor, a steam engine and a brass band on the back of a lorry accompany the floats. The procession is followed by a record of the millennium festival from its official opening speech to the ceremonial unveiling of the new Harefield village sign. The tour about the festival sites takes in the fun fair, a crafts markets, the tombola, various food stalls and performances of theatre, dance and sports. Along the way the roaming cameraman catches comments from some of the people attending the festival, many of whom he evidently already knows.
Further information: Copyright BAZ VIDEO PRODUCTIONS Tel: 01895 822069.
Keywords: Anniversaries; Parades
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hillingdon; Harefield