Face to Face: Peer Education in Action: A Strategy for HIV Prevention
VHS Colour Sound 1992 14:00

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Summary: A video presenting AIDS education in the London Borough of Hillingdon.
Title number: 2379
LSA ID: LSA/3126
Description: Angela Flux, the Hillingdon HIV Strategy Co-ordinator presents the model of peer education in HIV prevention used in the borough's secondary schools. The video introduces the various methods of teaching and learning used including role play, discussion, games and "theatre in education". A mixed-sex and multi-racial group of 6th form students drawn from local schools participate in the two day programme and speak about their experiences. They are provided with information on the facts regarding AIDS and HIV, infection and prevention methods including the correct use of condoms and needle hygiene. They also explore people's attitudes and values regarding sexual activity, sexual health and discrimination - including meeting and talking with a local young man who is HIV positive. They develop their skills and put ideas into action by passing on what they have learned to a class of primary school children and to an assemble group of their peers.
Credits: Produced for: London Borough of Hillingdon; Produced for: Hillingdon Health Authority
Further information: The theatre in education group featured in the video are "Caught in the Act".
Keywords: AIDS; Schools; Sex education
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hillingdon