Ruislip Lido Railway 1980-1996
VHS Colour Sound 1997 148:15

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Summary: Amateur video about the Ruislip Lido Railway.
Title number: 2378
LSA ID: LSA/3125
Description: A collection of visual material about the narrow gauge railway beside Ruislip Lido compiled to celebrate the completion of restoration work in 1996. The video begins with colour slides made by the Ruislip Lido Railway's restoration society. The slides support spoken information about the route to the Lido from Ruislip Tube station, the Lido's facilities and The Ruislip Lido Railway itself. The slides also take in the railway's route, its storage area, the delivery of new locomotives, its main station at 'Woody Bay', and track repair. The slides are followed with shots of visitors buying tickets and boarding the railway on Easter Express Day in 1993. Views of the railway's route as well as its workshop and sidings are taken from trackside and from onboard a moving train. In and around the workshop, repairs on train and line equipment are filmed taking place. The Wednesday working party takes lunch and converses in a staff room. Winter views of the railway take in the 'Santa Specials' in December 1993 when the railway takes children and their parents to visit Father Christmas. Railway staff dressed as Santa and his helpers hand out gifts to the children, some of whom scream in fear! There are views of the ticket office, the work of the traffic controller and the railway cafe. In March 1994 railway volunteers are filmed repairing a piece of track. Summer 1994 brings, on June 18th, the teddy bear day with children taking their bears on a train ride and receiving gifts ineptly handed out at a station stop at Haste Hill (the gifts at Christmas and teddy bear day, appear to be the same rather boring 'sliding puzzle'). Later in 1994 the railway takes delivery of a new covered coach featuring an easier access point for wheelchair users and other customers with disabilities. April 1st 1995 marks the delivery of by crane of a new shipping container to be used as a workshop building. In June 1995 the Ruislip Society hosts an event for railway enthusiasts in the nearby area. From September 1995 into 1996 the Railway society members are filmed performing track extension work taking the line around to the other side of the Lido. The work includes the delivery of rail and sleepers, land surveying, earth moving, levelling, track bending, distribution of ballast, track laying and ballast packing. On 18th January 1996, a test ride tries out the track extension to the proposed new Lido station. Shots from October 1996 show the turntable and platform at the Lido station complete and end the video.
Credits: Director: Henry Brown; Compiler: Henry Brown
Further information: Filmmaker Henry Brown MBE, was president of the Ruislip Lido Railway Society 1996-98 at the time of this video's compilation. Material shot between 1980 and 1996.
Keywords: Miniature railways
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hillingdon; Ruislip