Anzac Day Harefield
VHS Colour Sound 1995 30:00

Summary: Harefield School Anzac Day commemoration.
Title number: 2375
LSA ID: LSA/3122
Description: Video record of the annual ANZAC day event in which pupils of Harefield School remember the servicemen buried in the graveyard of St. Mary's Parish Church. In a seventy year old tradition they lay flowers on the graves. The video begins with a look around the village and Harefield Hospital. Black Jack's Lock on the Grand Union canal and views around the canal. Harefield crossroads, The King's Arms, High Street. Exterior views of Harefield Hospital buildings and it's grounds. Shots of pupils playing in the playgrounds of Harefield Infant School and Harefield Junior School. A crocodile of infant pupils are led along the street by teachers carrying fresh flowers and guided across the road by a policeman into the churchyard of St. Mary's. The teachers guide the pupils to servicemen's graves where they place their flowers. The video continues with a record of the ANZAC Day afternoon service covering the arrival of old soldiers, junior schoolchildren carrying flowers and guests including the Mayor and staff of the Australian Consulate. The church vicar officiates a ceremony in the churchyard which includes a bugler playing 'The Last Stand' and a minute's silence at the graveside before a formal ceremony with the laying of poppy wreaths on a war memorial by veterans and schoolchildren placing fresh flowers on graves. The ceremony concludes with a blessing, after which the attendees mill and talk.
Further information: Copyright BAZ VIDEO PRODUCTIONS. Tel: 01895 822069
Keywords: Anniversaries; Churches
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hillingdon; Harefield