None To Bless
MPEG-4 Black & White Sound 1965 15:30

Summary: The life of the poor and aged in a district of London undergoing redevelopment.
Title number: 22096
LSA ID: LSA/29708
Description: 00:00 – 01:23 LFS title card. Fade in to ‘None To Bless’ title card. Crew credits. Camera moves down a street of derelict buildings. Various shots of buildings as the camera moves around the streets.
01:23 – 02:32 Slow zoom out on a man stood on a street corner. Shot of him from the front, then close up on his face. Camera follows him as he walks off. He walks down the street and into a pub.
02:32 – 03:44 The man takes a drink from the glass and places it down on the bar. Camera looks out of a window, then pans across to a table and an old man reading the newspaper. Close up on the man’s face as he reads. He pours medicine into a glass and drinks it.
03:44 – 04:37 A man walks down the street and into a park. He walks along and sits down on a bench. Close up on his face, then slow zoom out.
04:37 – 05:19 Milk is poured into a tea cup, then tea is poured in. A waitress carries the tea over to the man sat at a table. A man sits at a table with medicine on it and looks out of the window.
05:19 – 06:50 Shot of a parrot in a cage, camera pans over to an old woman. Cuts between close ups on the parrot and the woman.
06:50 – 07:51 A man walks through a graveyard and out of the gate. He walks down the path out of the graveyard and down the street.
07:51 – 08:47 Close up on an elderly lady as she reads a letter. She lays a cloth out on the kitchen table. And sits down in a chair. Close up on a picture of a man on the wall, then pan down to other photographs on the mantelpiece. Back to the lady sat in the chair with her hand on her forehead.
08:47 – 10:17 A woman holds the door open on a salvation army van, as another woman leans into it. Back to the lady sat down. The woman from the salvation army walks into a corridor, past two young children playing. She walks into the room with the old lady sat down and places tins of food on the table. The old lady stands up as the food is served up. The woman from the salvation army takes a banana from the side and walks back out of the door. The old lady puts the food in the oven.
10:17 – 11:10 The salvation army van drives away. Close up on the old lady sat in the chair. The a dog runs down the stairs and the camera follows and through a dark doorway. Pan across a room to a lady sat on the bed with the dog. Close up on the woman, then to a photograph of two young children. Back to the woman.
11:10 – 12:15 A lady with a walking stick and a shopping cart walks through a doorway. Several shots of women walking into a social club.
12:15 – 13:45 The Lady with stick and the shopping cart opens the door and walks into the social club. A man walks down the street past advertising billboards. Close up on a vase. An elderly man and woman sit in a room. Close up on the woman, then pan across the table. Various shots of them looking at the camera.
13:45 – 15:30 A man sands the top of a gravestone. Film fades between close ups of the people featured in the film. A woman helps an elderly man down a step out of a building, pan down to his walking stick. The man walks down the road towards the camera with his walking stick and a bag. ‘a London School of Film Technique Production’ end card.
Credits: Roger Moorey (Director); Thangarajah Arjuna (Editor); Adam Barker-Mill (Camera operator)