Teena and Simon
unknown Colour Sound 1990 16:03

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Summary: An intimate documentary portrait of Teena and Simon, who candidly reveal the pleasures and pains of body piercing. Teena and Simon are a contemporary couple united in mind, body and spirit.
Title number: 22090
LSA ID: unknown
Description: 0:00:04 Title card ‘Teena and Simon’ on a black background with grey text using font “1906 Fantasio Auriol Normal”.
0:00:08 Overcast, possibly spring day, time lapse tracking LS of busy London streets accompanied by lively bongo music; Scene is intercut with tracking time lapse shots following Teena and Simon, young Crusties walking on a busy London footpath. Both have visible piercings, beaded jewellery and wear brightly coloured hippy patchwork clothing made with textiles of African and Asian influences; Simon has dreadlocks.
0:00:28 (Return to regular motion) MS of Teena and Simon wearing bright clothing dodging pedestrians, many of whom are wearing business suits.
0:00:37 A MS from behind Teena and Simon on London Bridge watching people walk by accompanied by a V/O of Teena talking about feeling closed in by city life; MS pans away from Teena and Simon to the right to show pedestrians walking on the bridge. MS of the couple weaving between the flow of human traffic; Teena is smiling and makes faces of mock concern.
0:01:04 MS slow pan behind Teena and Simon looking towards Tower Bridge and HMS Belfast; as the sun comes out, a rainbow has appeared over Tower Bridge. V/O of Simon expressing his concern over city living and how looking different helps him to feel like “more of a person and a faceless number”.
0:01:17 Panning transition from busy central London to a LS of Teena and Simon crossing a residential Hackney street. V/O of Simon talking about living in a large squat in Hackney.
The couple enter an old brick house with a black and sky blue painted door and shutter.
0:01:30 Interior: Static LS of bedroom with blue walls with brightly coloured scarves and bags hanging from hooks; static LS of area around bed with numerous bunches of dried flowers hanging over it. V/O of Teena talking about how the couple share a bedroom and workspace; this squat is their little place to hide away from the rest of the world.
0:01:53 Static LS of sparse kitchen area with a tattered workbench, shelves with miscellaneous kitchen items and sink area. V/O of Simon talking about furnishing their home with furniture and knick-knacks they find on the street.
0:02:00 Static LS of studio space with a table cover in jewellery making items such as wire and pliers. LS of lounge; there are a few plants and there are a few designs painted on the walls. V/O of Teena describing them as scavengers.
0:02:13 Exterior LS of Tina and Simon planting in a fairly sparse garden ; Tina is wearing a multi-coloured tutu. V/O of Simon laughs telling the story of how a 8 year old boy called them scavengers in their local café.
MS of Teena and Simon seated outside speaking to the camera. Tina says she would like to travel the world and spread good will. To make money Tina makes patchwork jackets. Simon says he makes jewellery but they get ‘regular’ jobs when they want to save money to travel. Tina says that making craft items allow them to make money while travelling. Tina says she will get a jacket from the house.
0:03:34 MCU of Simon intercut with static shots of delicately lit captive bead and barbell body jewellery on a black background. V/O of Simon describing how he learned to make jewellery at evening classes. He describes the types of materials he uses to make body jewellery.
Camera pans out to include Teena in the shot. Simon describes at length about the challenges and expense of certain metals and how a piercing heals with certain types of jewellery.
0:04:58 CU of Simon saying to camera that he is going to pierce Teena’s lip and that the items he is using have been sterilised in a pressure cooker.
0:05:08 CU of small table with a white table cloth with piercing paraphernalia (tweezers, a needle, clamps, hydrogen peroxide and salt water); Simon wears latex gloves and explains what he is doing. He sterilised the materials in a jar of peroxide and rinses in a jar of salt water before starting. Camera pans up to XCU looking down on Teena’s face; Simon clamps her lip.
XCU looking upward while Simon explains how he is piercing her lip step by step.
Teena breathes heavily as needle is pushed in. Simon inserts the stud into the end of the needles as Teena exclaims Ow!; Camera pulls back to MCU of Teena appearing subdued and with a tear in her eye. Simon loosens the stud to accommodate any swelling.
0:08:34 XCU of Simon’s face from eyes down highlighting Simon’s facial piercings; Simon discusses his first piercing; Camera pulls out to MCU of Teena and Simon; Simon talks about his PA or Prince Albert genital piercing, explaining it is a ring through the head of the penis; he explains the origin of the name of the Prince Albert piercing.
0:10:04 CU of Teena talking to the camera with a blue wall behind her; saying her interest in piercing started when she found herself in bed with a man with multiple piercings, describing them as absolutely dynamite. She says this encouraged her to get her nipples and labia pierced.
0:10:23 Cutaway of sepia toned XCU of a pierced and tattooed breast and XCU of nipple ring intercut with Teena talking about the pleasure derived from her piercings.
0:10:43 CU of Simon says to camera that mutual sexual pleasure can be derived from genital piercings such as an ampallang (a bar through the head of the penis) and labia rings.
Camera pans out to MCU to include Teena; they are both sitting on their bed. Both are discussing when they perform piercings on others that they are scared of the pain but are surprised how little it hurts. In their travels, they are asked if the piercings hurt. Teena talks about the pain as a precious initiation right.
0:12:40 WS of Simon and Teena naked and crouching (Simon behind Teena) in a blackened studio environment lit gently from the side. The music is abstract, echoing and foreboding industrial soundscape.
They stand up to reveal a clearer view of their body modifications; they move to stand back to back, both stretching out and intertwining their arms. They start to rotate on a hidden platform; intercut with head and shoulder CUs; the pair appear stoic;
Artistic CU and XCUs panning over their bodies as they rotate in and out of frame, revealing more detail of their piercings.
LS as they crouch down again and out of the frame, leaving a black screen.
Credits: Ricardo Padilla (Director); Mark David Parsons (Director); Yvette McNally (Producer); Harold Jan Monfils (Camera operator)