The Destructors

unknown Colour Sound 1983 11:45

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Summary: The film examines the music of philosophical and political views of a punk band - "the Destructors" made with their free co-operation. Some might say that by the time this film was made the glory days of punk were well and truly over – but certainly not for Peterborough-based band The Destructors, originally formed in 1977, and still powerfully plugging away in 1983, albeit with some changes in their line-up. Here we end our tour through punk as the boys get ready to play a show for their still-devoted followers in Brixton. “Basically,” confesses lead singer Neil Singleton, before he clears off to find some booze, “the band just means misery and financial hardship. But I get the kicks out of playing live.” You said it, brother. As anybody who ever played in a band will confirm, ’twas ever thus.




