The Destructors
unknown Colour Sound 1983 11:45

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Summary: The film examines the music of philosophical and political views of a punk band - "the Destructors" made with their free co-operation. Some might say that by the time this film was made the glory days of punk were well and truly over – but certainly not for Peterborough-based band The Destructors, originally formed in 1977, and still powerfully plugging away in 1983, albeit with some changes in their line-up. Here we end our tour through punk as the boys get ready to play a show for their still-devoted followers in Brixton. “Basically,” confesses lead singer Neil Singleton, before he clears off to find some booze, “the band just means misery and financial hardship. But I get the kicks out of playing live.” You said it, brother. As anybody who ever played in a band will confirm, ’twas ever thus.
Title number: 22082
LSA ID: unknown
Description: 00:00 – 02:02 ‘The London International Film School presents’ title card. Reflections of lights on water at night. Church spires against a night sky with a lamp post in the foreground. Road/street at night. ‘Welcome to the Cathedral City of Peterborough’ sign by a road. High shot of a dual carriageway. Shot of a river with a bridge and a boat. Various shots of buildings, including Peterborough Police. Shot of cathedral. Shots of the punk band The Destructors performing, including close ups of the band members and wider shots of the whole band.
02:02 – 03:30 ‘Destructors’ title card with the band’s logo. Credit list of the band members. Band member sits in a graveyard with the cathedral in the background. Punk kids play in a street with skateboards. Close up on band member talking.
03:30 – 05:32 Close up on another band member, he gets up and walks out of shot. Close up on the band member in the graveyard. Shot of band performing.
05:32 – 06:57 Camera pans down from the ceiling to show a busy shopping centre. A group of punks walk through the crowd. Three punks sit by flower beds on a pavement. Shots of a mural, flash cut of punks stood infront of it.
06:57 – 07:51 Punks walk down a road, shots of punks sat on the street/pavement. Graffitti on a wall. Band member sat in front of the cathedral.
07:51 – 08:54 A large group of punks stood in front of a venue. The crowd start going into the building and up to the ticket office. Cuts between crowd outside and people inside buying tickets.
08:54 – 11:45 Film cuts between the band performing and the audience raving. End credits.
Credits: Joy Charles (Director); Timothy Unsworth (Producer); Geoffrey Stern (Camera operator); Susan Grace Brady (Sound)
Cast: Neil Singleton, Graham Butt, Dave Ivermee, Allen Adams, Andy McDonald
Keywords: punk; subculture; muisc; bands
Locations: Peterborough, Brixton