No Virginity No Nationality
unknown Colour Sound 1981 15:39

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Summary: No Virginity No Nationality is a docu-drama based on the virginity tests carried out by the home office on Asian girls arriving from India and Pakistan between 1971-1979.
Title number: 22081
LSA ID: unknown
Description: 00:00 – 04:15 LFS card. ‘No Virginity No Nationality?’ title card. Shots from Heathrow airport. A man (Mr. Taylor) sits at a desk in an office. Another man (Dr James Durly) walks in and sits down in a chair opposite Mr. Taylor. The Two men talk. Mr. Taylor cleans his glasses with a handkerchief. Another man Mr. Manning) walks into the room. He shakes Dr Durly’s hand and sits down next to him. The men continue talking. Dr Durly stands up and leaves the room. Mr. Manning lights Mr. Taylor’s cigarillo and then his own pipe.
04:15 – 05:11 Dr. Durly walks into a doctor’s office and talks to a nurse (Jean). He removes his jacket and puts his doctor’s coat on and shuts the door. A plane turns around on a runway.
05:11 – 08:03 A man leads an Indian girl down a hallway and through a door. They walk into a room with two other Indian girls sat down. The girl sits down next to the other girls and the man leaves the room. Jean sits at a desk. The three girls walk into the office and sit down opposite Jean. The girls hand their passports over to Jean. A female doctor calls the first girl into her office. Dr Durly calls the next girl into his office. The girl walks down the corridor and into the office.
08:03 – 10:09 Dr Durly and the girl walk into the office and Jean hands him a piece of paper. He hands the girl a gown and asks her to get changed. Mr. Manning looks in through a window. Dr. Durly checks the girls' eyes. The girl lies on a bed, and he positions her legs. Close up the girl's face, then on the doctor’s hands as he puts a plastic glove on. The girl covers her face and starts crying. The doctor turns a lamp on and turns the lights off in the room.
10:09 – 10:37 Mr. Manning stands looking in the window. A cleaner stands looking at Mr. Manning. Mr. Manning turns to look at the cleaner and drops his pipe. They talk and she hands him his pipe. He jumps down off the bin he is standing on and walks away.
10:37 – 11:29 Mr. Taylor sits at his desk with Mr. Manning sitting opposite him. The men talk and Mr. Taylor takes a cigarillo out of a case and stands up. Mr. Taylor lights his cigarillo and sits down. Fade to black.
11:29 – 13:13 Dr. Durly sits opposite Mr. Taylors desk. The two men talk as Mr. Taylor looks at paperwork. Mr. Taylor removes his glasses. Dr Durly stands up and leaves.
13:13 – 15:39 Close up on a sign for ‘Westindian World’ newspaper outside of a building. Dr Durly Knocks on the door. A man answers the door and lets him in, then shuts the door behind him. Dr Durly walks over to the editor at his desk. They shake hands and sit down at the desk. They talk and Dr Durly hands the editor some paper. End cards and credits. LFS end card.
Credits: Abderrahmane Sairi (Director); Claudine Boothe (Producer); Trevor Daniel (Camera operator)