MPEG-4 Colour Sound 1986 11:41

Summary: A short documentary about Kim; a 25 year old woman who has recently come out as Lesbian.
Title number: 22077
LSA ID: LSA/29656
Description: 00:00 – 01:04 London Film School Logo, ‘Kim’ title card with LIFS copyright, writer, director and producer cards. Kim walks along a path in a park, dog runs over to her with a stick, then runs away. In voiceover, Kim introduces herself and talks about her first lesbian relationship. Kim picks up a stick and throws it for the dog. She explains her family’s acceptance of her coming out.
01:04 – 02:14 Shot of Kim’s sister sitting in armchair. She explains that she was able to understand and accept Kim coming out, but her parents look longer to come to terms with it. Shot of Kim as she brings a trifle over to a table full of people. She talks about her hobbies and friends and explains that she feels more comfortable with women.
02:14 – 02:55 Shot of Kim’s first female partner explaining their relationship. She explains why they broke up, but also the good parts to come out of the relationship.
02:55 – 03:58 Exterior shot of a block of flats, zooming in on Kim’s apartment. Kim sat playing bass. She reaches over and adjusts the dials. Zoom in on the cabinet next to her and pan up to a fish tank with turtles in it. She explains that coming out gave her the confidence to be more creative. Kim cooking in the kitchen. Caz, Kim’s partner, walks in the door and Kim kisses her.
03:58 – 04:59 Kim and Caz sat on the sofa with the dog. Kim talks about their decision to move in together. Close up on Kim talking about living with Caz. Camera follows Caz walking into the bedroom and kissing Kim, who is in bed. Slow zoom on Kim as she talks about their relationship and how they split their domestic tasks.
04:59 – 07:03 Close up on Caz, who talks about the security their relationship has provided and her previous relationships. Close up on Kim talking about her first lesbian relationship and the possibility of having children. Pan over to Caz who explains that she has spoken to a man about the possibility of him fathering her child and his role within the relationship.
07:03 – 08:02 Close up on Kim. She says that she felt threatened by the introduction of an extra person and the complications legally and emotionally. Close up on Caz looking at Kim, then back to Kim sat on the sofa.
08:02 – 09:29 Kim walks down a street and into the London Lesbian & Gay Centre, Cowcross Street W1. ( this was filmed soon after the Centre was established) Kim walks into an office and greets the two women working there. She takes her coat off and sits at a desk. Kim walks down the stairs with one of the women. She explains why it is important to dispel myths about AIDS. They walk into a room and admire the artwork showing LGBTQIA themes as the camera pans across to view it. Kim describes what her role as a volunteer within the centre includes. Camera zooms in on Kim as they set up lighting in the Theatre.
09:29 – 10:42 Slow zoom in on Kim as she performs one of her pieces of poetry, about her experience of growing up and having crushes on women, and how difficult it was for her to accept that she was gay. Now she is 25 she has accepted this and is happy but still finds it hard.
10:42 – 11:40 Camera follows Kim and Caz walking along a path in a park with their dog. Kim’s poetry continues over the top. Wider shot of them walking. Credits and LFS end card.
Further information: It shows the Lesbian and Gay Centre soon after its opening by the GLC in 1985.
Keywords: LGBT; Queer; Sexuality