Weymouth, Christchurch, and Roger, 1937-1938
16mm film Black & White Silent 1937-1938 7:24

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Summary: The Edmonds family at home and on holiday celebrating a birthday.
Title number: 21019
LSA ID: LSA/27582
Description: Elderly woman with baby in family garden walking towards camera, Mother (Gladys) walking in garden with baby Roger, Mother and Roger kicking a ball in the garden, Mother and baby speaking to neighbour tending to veg patch, close up of baby in mother's arms, baby Roger sitting on rug in garden playing with toys, mother and baby walking towards car in front of suburban house, baby and mother sit in car, sunken public gardens with large pond [possibly Canons Park, Edgware], Roger, Mother and older women in gardens, extended family with Roger standing outside house - possibly holiday home, family and Roger leave house into garden wearing party hats, appear to be singing "happy birthday", back of different house with mother holding Roger with a man and woman, Roger and mother in front seat of the car, countryside fields filmmaker Keith holding Roger on his shoulders, Roger held by mother walking along country lane to the car, enters the car and a view of Roger sitting in the car, Roger sitting in a high chair in their home, Roger's father mowing the lawn, Roger in a high chair looking into the garden.
Credits: Edmonds, Eric (Filmmaker)
Keywords: Countryside; suburbia; birthday party