Beach holiday at the seaside & farm scenes
9.5mm film Black & White Silent 1930s - 1940s 13:33
Summary: Compilation of family beach scenes, wedding and life on a farm.
Title number: 20578
LSA ID: LSA/27136
Description: Family scene on the beach, baby in shawl. Child and parent outdoors. Children playing on bicycles - tricycles. Exterior shot children carrying flowers for a wedding. Wedding guests arrive in hats smiling for camera. Exterior shot of horse drawn agricultural machine. Women and men with rakes and hayricks. gathering in hay and straw. Outdoors in the fields. Sheep shearing. Ducks and geese. Farmyard scenes. Baby in garden. Baby crawling around. Some under-exposed. Man outside smoking a pipe. Child kneeling on mat. Baby sitting in a washing up bowl playing with water. Sea side scenes very under-exposed. Two girls walking round formal gardens. Girls playing on tricycles. Girls skipping on rope. Children playing at a boating pond. Some under-exposed. Children making sandcastles. Seaside scenes.
Credits: James Newbold (Filmmaker)