Summer holiday with train ride
9.5mm film Black & White Silent 1930s - 50s 14:35

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Summary: Summer holiday with beach scenes, and a steam train ride
Title number: 20575
LSA ID: LSA/27133
Description: Two women coming out of a front door, three young ladies in swimming costumes frolicking on a beach. Boat coming towards beach. Shot from onboard another ship coastline with two big chimneys. Yacht passing by. Very short shot of dart board on a shed. Sea gull on a beach. Woman in rowing boat. Man is pulling something out of the sea - fishing? Group of four people on a quayside. Street scene Hotel Royale sign 1930s cars, coastal scene waves crashing on rocks, cows in a field, group walking towards camera carrying golf clubs, could be putting? Railway station waiting for train to arrive, appears to be a steam train, could be in Ryde - Isle of Wight? Picnic scene then back to the seaside, two women on lilos in water. [date for Li-lo register was 1944] beach scene with toddler in water, feeding seagulls. Boat going past.Harbour wall. Coastal views, fisherman preparing catch on the quayside woman in front of car number plate CCV 159. Waves on rocks, groups clambering up onto rocks. couple on boat. Man holds up a fish. Beach scene with sunbathers windbreaks etc. Men and women in swimming costumes, men in all in one costumes, women are wearing swimming caps. Fashion suggesting 30s? Coastal scenes. Yachts, man and woman in back garden with child and dog. Shot from train window GWR people waving goodbye on a train. Woman playing organ/piano outside. Another picnic scene. religious service? Children and adults in a fenced off field with suburban houses in background. Horse drawn agricultural machine? Man in field. Young boy and girl standing by large country gate. Feeding chickens, view of lake with people walking past feeding ducks. Young toddler with lawnmower in shot, greenhouse, Child is helping dad mow lawn. Garden scenes. Fountain in the middle of a town very built up area, man and child near a hedge, countryside.
Credits: James Newbold (Filmmaker)
Keywords: Summer holiday; steam railway