The Making of the Anita Lafford's sculpture 'Anticipation'
VHS Colour Sound 2002 15:00

Summary: Video recording the presentation of a sculpture to the people of Hillingdon.
Title number: 20319
LSA ID: LSA/26813
Description: This video recounts the story of the production and siting of the sculpture 'Anticipation' by Anita Lafford. The sculpture was commissioned by the Hillingdon Arts Association in celebration of the millennium. The video follows the progress of the project from the deciding of the initial brief, to the selection of Anita Lafford, through her work in the studio to the sculpture's installation. At Anita Lafford's studio various stages of the making of a clay maquette are filmed. The completed clay sculpture then travels to a foundry where a wax replica is made in preparation for the forging of a bronze copy. On the 26th June 2002 the video concludes with the installation of the sculpture in Uxbridge High Street (near the Underground Station) and its ceremonial unveiling by Queen Elizabeth II. At the unveiling ceremony the Queen is met by the Mayor Councillor Josephine Barrett and introduced to other councillors, civic heads, Uxbridge MP John Randall and members of the Hillingdon Arts Association.The Scuplture Project had put the spotlight on Hillingdon and shown clearly what a flourishing artistic life is in this suburb.
Credits: Director: Ricky Mirza; Producer: Ricky Mirza; Camera Work: Ricky Mirza; Editing: Ricky Mirza; Commentary: Sylvia Taylor
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hillingdon; Uxbridge