Doggs Troupe: 'Cromwell in the Park' (10 reels)
Super 8mm film Colour Sound c.1975 38:16

Summary: This group of 10 short amateur films appears to be rehearsals for a partly improvised play about the English Civil War called 'Cromwell in the Park' performed by Doggs Troupe in a park (possibly Durants Park off Hertford Road in Enfield). The films appear to have been shot by the participants. In each film, a few adults lead the children in play; each may feature children from different areas.
Title number: 897
LSA ID: LSA/1198
Description: Film LSA/1198-1: The children play games, including a poking competition (possibly imitating sword fighting), face pulling and gurning, and sleeping lions.
Film LSA/1198-2: Some of the adults are dressed in historical costume from English Civil War period. The children play games, including play fighting and playing dead. They also march through the park, with one boy holding aloft a sign reading 'Doggs Troupe', and another carrying a sign reading 'Doggs Troupe Presents'.
Film LSA/1198-3: The children dance, march back and forth, shout and pull faces, following commands from the adults.
Film LSA/1198-4: The children pull faces and rehearse moving around in strange shapes.
Film LSA/1198-5: The children practice dancing and performing part of 'The Battle of Broomfield'. A friendly dog is keen to get in on the action.
Film LSA/1198-6: The children move about and wave their hands in the air following commands from a woman with a megaphone. A man dressed as a cavalier leads them in falling to the ground and playing dead.
Film LSA/1198-7: The children practice bowing, dance and pull faces. At one point a piece of paper is held up by some of them with 'Boys in Boots' and 'Luton Boot Boys from Edmonton' written on it. Some boys draw rude figures on a piece of paper.
Film LSA/1198-8: The children's dancing and play acting are observed by other park users. A card held up at one point reads 'Cromwell Revenge'.
Film LSA/1198-9: The children play fight and pull faces. Some of the children's bicycles are parked nearby (including many 'Chopper' bikes).
Film LSA/1198-10: The children dance and act and write on large pieces of paper. Some children hold up one of these reading 'Crazy Cavelin'. Some of their parents sit nearby on the grass of the park.
Credits: Camera Crew: Melanie; Camera Crew: Simon Watts; Camera Crew: Maureen O'Brien; Camera Crew: Paul Sully; Camera Crew: Anna Howell; Sound: David; Sound: Kevin; Sound: Vikki
Further information: Credits for 'sound' indicate that these films once had a soundtrack which is no longer extant. The Doggs Troupe was a community theatre group presenting plays for children with audience participation on housing estates. It was part of the organisation Inter-Action Trust.
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Enfield