Southgate, Middlesex, England, in the Year 1950
16mm film Colour Sound 1950 31:48

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Summary: A pictorial tour of the borough of Southgate.
Title number: 891
Description: A grand journey around the borough of Southgate taking in a number of places of significance. The borough's administrative centre features in views of Southgate Civic Centre, the Town Hall and council offices and the County Library. At Broomfield Park, the film takes in the flower gardens, the Southgate Garden of Remembrance in the Park, its lakes, Broomfield House and conservatory, the children's playground, the tennis courts, bowling greens, the municipal running track, the model yacht pond, and the avenue of mature elms. Travelling on the film takes in the corner of Alderman's Hill and Cannon Hill, filming the gardeners' cottages and the Hermitage cottage. Then on to Northmet House, Southgate Green, The Cherry Tree Inn, a summer wedding at Christchurch, the Walker Ground of Southgate Cricket Club, Michenden Oak Garden and the remains of the Michenden Oak, Waterfall Road and the Piccadilly railway viaduct, the watch and clock maker's almshouses, Arnos Grove Tube station, Arnos Park showing Pymmes Brook, the sports facilities, the bowling green (with a tube train passing by on viaduct behind), High Street Southgate, Ash Lodge, some modern flats at Ellington Court, Blagden's Lane and the grounds and stables of large house called 'The Wilderness' (soon to be built on for Southgate Technical College), Georgian terraces on the High street, Minchenden Grammar School, Southgate Tube station (with a tube train leaving), shops on Chase Side with pedestrians walking by, Southgate Broadway, 'The Grange' house, 'The Boathouse', Thomas Lipton's old house, Oak Hill College, Bowen Lodge for homeless people, Christ Church Cockfosters, Trent Park and the teacher training college.
Credits: Producer: Edgar J. Chard; Assistance of: Tom Mason; Assistance of: John Ginn; Commentator: John Ginn
Further information: Made with the assistance of Tom Mason, local historian, and John Ginn, editor of the Palmers Green and Southgate Gazette. In the LSA digitisation project, LSA/01190 (reel 1) and LSA/01191 (reel 2) were combined into a single DVD and digital file. (LSA/01189 was also digitised but the file became corrupt and only the first 18 minutes were recovered.)
Keywords: Mayors
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Enfield; Southgate