Youth and Recreation
35mm nitrate film Black & White Sound 15.05.1948 2:00

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Summary: Newsreel items about the activities of young people.
Title number: 872
LSA ID: LSA/1165
Description: Three stories related to the topics of youth and recreation. In the first Field-Marshall Montgomery reopens the Paddington Recreation Ground, which has been allotments during the second world war. He cuts a ribbon at the gate of the children's section and boys and girls rush into the playing field. The second story records a youth trip to the tulip fields of Holland, the city of Edam, and its port of Volendam. The third story ending the piece reveals a balancing baby in Sydney. A man places his newborn infant's feet into the palm of his hand and releases him to stand unaided.
Keywords: Leisure; Leisure time; activities; youth
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; City of Westminister; Paddington