Paddington 1960
16mm film Black & White Silent 1960 11:20

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Summary: A film capturing the character of the Paddington Area.
Title number: 867
LSA ID: LSA/1158
Description: A haphazard journey around places of interest in the Paddington area of London. The places visited and filmed include St David's Welsh Church, St Mary's Parish Church, St Mary's School, and a modern secondary school being constructed. There are also views of the 'Jason's Trip' narrowboat and Little Venice Canal Basin, The Red Lion Public House, Bishop's Bridge over the railway lines, the Coliseum Cinema (with an agent's SOLD sign on its decrepit exterior), Paddington General Hospital, Douglas House, and Hong Kong House. Some sporting activities are recorded with shots of cricket, bowls, tennis and golf putting at the Paddington Recreation Ground. More building exteriors follow: the shop of John P Dennis, the Odeon Cinema, The Swan Public House, Wimpy House, H Bessin's Riding Stables at 3 Burwood Mews, Paddington Green, the offices of the Football Association, Lancaster Gate, Paddington Town Hall, Paddington Police Station, Whiteley's Department Store, the Greek Orthodox Church, Moscow Road, and The White Swan Public House. Along the way the film catches many of the area's streets and incidental details like a man feeding pigeons, cars with foreign number plates and the fire service leaving a street.
Credits: Director: Edward Cook
Further information: The film feels like a rough cut waiting for a soundtrack to bring all the scenes together.
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; City of Westminister; Paddington