Royal Visit of King George V and Queen Mary
16mm film Black & White Silent 11.05.1935 3:28

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Summary: Film record of a Royal visit to the Metropolitan Borough of Marylebone by King George V.
Title number: 865
LSA ID: LSA/1156
Description: Scenes along Marylebone Road and outside Marylebone Town Hall filmed during the Royal Processional Drive of King George V and Queen Mary to mark their Silver Jubilee. From a raised platform opposite the town hall, the film tracks the amassed crowds and the arrival and departure of the Horse Guards, and the open landau transporting the royal couple pulled by six Windsor Grey horses. The King and Queen stop outside the town hall and wave to the crowds from their carriage. Marylebone Road is hung with flags and banners and festooned with bunting. The crowds wave small union flags and raise their hats as the Royal party passes. As the camera turns to look down the road, it catches a glimpse of a newsreel cameraman perched on the same raised scaffolded platform straining to catch a good view. After the Royals have departed, the crowd surges into the street and road traffic recommences with some mounted police trying to ease the passage of both.
Further information: The Royal Processional Drive took the royal party from Buckingham Palace to a silver jubilee service at St Paul's Cathedral. Other parts of the route were also captured on film, including items shot by the Pathe Gazette newsreel. The royal party also included Queen Alexandria and Prince Edward, Prince of Wales (the future King Edward VIII, and later Duke of Windsor) but it unclear whether they appear in this film.
Keywords: Royal family; Royal visits
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; City of Westminster; Marylebone