St Martin's Steeple-jacks
16mm film Black & White Unknown 30.03.1962 13:00

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Summary: Television documentary on the work of steeple-jacks from the Here and Now series.
Title number: 860
LSA ID: LSA/1150
Description: Judith Jackson climbs a series of ladders to travel from ground level to the steeple of St Martin-in-the-fields. Her progress is watched and discussed by presenter Michael Ingrams and the owner of the scaffolding company, both exhibiting some enthusiasm for what a woman can do, as they stand on the pavement on St Martin's Place. At the top, and somewhat out of breath, she interviews two steeple-jacks, and looks down on Trafalgar Square and Nelson's Column. She asks the steeple-jacks about the skills needed in their profession and how they came to start in the job, before beginning her descent.
Credits: Director: Graham Watts; Presenter: Michael Ingrams; Interviewer: Judith Jackson;
Cast: Interviewee: Kenneth Kendall; Interviewer: Judith Jackson; Presenter: Michael Ingrams
Further information: Filmed a month before transmission on 30/03/1962
Keywords: Church architecture; Steeples
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; City of Westminster