16mm film unknown Silent 1956 11:00

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Summary: A film for schools on Britsih trawler fishermen.
Title number: 711
Description: Silent version of a sound film showing the principal fishing ports: MHaven, Fleetwood, Aberdeen, Leith, North Shields, Hull, Grimsby and Lowestoft. The film also includes footage of trawlers at work, following a fishing boat called 'Jacqueline' as it leaves port and sets to work on the fishing grounds on the European Continental shelf. With a full catch the vessel returns to the docks to off load its cargo, which makes it ways off to market. An animated sequence shows how a trawlers net is used to catch shoals of fish.
Keywords: Fishing industry; Sea fishing; Trawlers (vessels)
Locations: United Kingdom; Wales; Pembrokeshire; MHaven