Sutton Carnival Procession
16mm film Black & White Silent 25.05.1930 3:22

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Summary: Amateur film of a parade in Sutton on Empire Day in 1930.
Title number: 691
Description: A procession of floats and costumed marchers move through Sutton on Empire Day in 1930. The Parade is seen beginning with a tractor adorned in the Union Flag pulling a trailer carrying Red Cross nurses, and bearing slogans include 'Support Sutton'. Following are a horse drawn wagon carrying girls and young women with flowers in their hair (Queens of the May?) and a man in a traditional English yeoman's smock. Behind them are cars adorned with ribbons, the second carrying a round Boys' Brigade insignia and followed by boys of the brigade. After them a car decked out as a boat with a canvas hull and a car decked out as an aeroplane with a propeller and wings and the name 'Mayfly'. Following are a truck from South Met. Electrics carrying an electric fire and an electric oven, and women carrying banners, one saying 'Learn to Think Imperially'. Other women feature pictures of Britannia and the English Lion. A truck following carries a woman dressed as Britannia and is accompanied by children carrying signs bearing the names of nations of the British Empire 'South Africa', 'East Africa' and 'New Zealand' are prominent, there is a man wearing an Australian style bush hat and another dressed as a stereotype indigenous African tribesman. A medalled man leads a shire horse pulling the wagon seen earlier bedecked in greenery carrying women and girls. Costumed children follow (one dressed as Robin Hood). The Boys' Brigade car passes (a sign visible on the side bears a legend beginning 'Judgement of Christ . . .'). Boys sit on the trailer behind, one dressed for soccer carrying a football, one in uniform with semaphore flags, while others ape first aid treatment on another who is seated with a bandaged arm and head. They are followed by flag bearers and members of the Girl's Brigade and a trailer carrying a man dressed as a Regency fop and a woman with decorative fan. The canvas boat-car passes again, revealing a man standing in the car costumed as a skeleton. A fire engine carrying firemen also passes (in the background a metropolitan omnibus carries an advertisement for The CALENDAR, Edgar Wallace's 'Great Racing Play' starring Margaret Bannerman and Alfred Drayton, at the Lyceum Theatre). A man in clownish costume rides a bicycle with an extended tall frame, the wheels bear the legend 'Ride a Raleigh'. A flower bedecked car passes with a sign in the windshield reading 'Spirit of Carnival'. A car and trailer, possibly for the Co-operative society, bears a banner reading 'Co-per-ate for Success' and appears to also carry a sheet reading 'No More War'. A trailer carrying boys in cricket outfits, bears a banner stating 'Sutton Common - Our Playing Field'. Another truck has a design formed of fireworks, reading 'fireworks' with explosive circle shapes about. The last of the procession seen is a motorcycle combination dressed so that the rider appears to be in a hospital bed and his companion, dressed as a nurse, appears sat at his bedside.
Credits: Bawtree, Ivan (Filmmaker)
Keywords: Parades; Customs and traditions; Empire day
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Sutton