Ceremony of Charter Mayor
16mm film Black & White Silent 1934 5:10

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Summary: A film recording ceremony events of the Charter Mayor for Sutton and Cheam.
Title number: 686
Description: Crowds amass for the ceremony incorporating Sutton and Cheam as a municipal borough. In the audience are scouts, firemen, schoolchildren, boys brigade members and adults. An open marquee covers a raised platform on which dignitaries stand about the Mayor. The borough flag is unfurled on a flagpole, and the dignitaries descend and walk through the throng led by the Mayor, Town Clerk and macebearer. The next scene shows Sutton High Street decorated with flags and bunting, a banner across the street near the Cock Sign Post reads 'Success to the Borough of Sutton & Cheam'. In Sutton station a steam locomotive is looked over by children, who have been allowed to climb up into the cab. Biplanes perform aerobatics in the sky and land and take off from a field as part of an air display. Crowds line Station Road in Belmont, by the corner of Belmont Road, below a banner reading 'Belmont Welcome The Charter Mayor'. The Mayor's car passes down Station Road and stops near the station so he can address the crowds.
Further information: The film may have been shot by Ivan or Athelstone Bawtree, who ran a local photographic and film supply shop. Ivan Bawtree had served as a photographer for the British Red Cross during the First World War and was attached to a Graves Registration Unit on the Western Front. The Imperial War Museum holds photographs by him.
Keywords: Boroughs
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Sutton