Traffic Observation Films: George St. to the Quadrant, Richmond
16mm film Colour Silent 1.1974 1:41
Summary: A traffic observation film showing the traffic and pedestrian flow at George Street to the Quadrant.
Title number: 644
Description: An aerial shot on rainy day shows George Street a high street in Richmond at a junction with George Street, traffic moves towards the camera, and a pedestrian crossing is seen across two roads. The bag shop occupies the corner position. Traffic flows are seen on a speeded up time lapse photography.
Film fades on at 0.10.
Film resumes with a closer view of the traffic flowing down George Street, with pedestrians negotiating the traffic. The same junction is now seen in a wider frame with a VAT 69 advertising board in the top left hand corner. The aerial view changes and we see a two way street with a pedestrian crossing, on the left hand side is Richards Shop and on the right hand side is a public house(the Red Dragon?) traffic flows on both sides of the road and pedestrians walk up and down.
The aerial view changes back to the original point of view and further traffic and pedestrian flows are viewed. the position changes to show traffic and pedestrians negotiating the central junction.
View changes back to provide a more aerial view of the area.
A wide range of personal and commercial vehicles are seen together with a number of buses.
Filmed at 11am.
Keywords: Road Transport; Bus Services; traffic observation.
Locations: United Kingdom;England;London;Richmond