British Movietone News: Richmond Children's Hospital Have a Kind Friend
35mm nitrate film Black & White Sound c.1932 3:22

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Summary: The title continues: 'His Worship the Mayor (Mr Joseph Mears) sends 400 Little Guests on Seaside Holiday'.
Title number: 635
Description: This news item begins with Mayor Joseph Mears stood amongst a group of children in Richmond Park wishing them a good time on their holiday away. A man beside him leads the crowd in a shot of 'hip hooray' for the Mayor and his generosity in arranging and financing the trip. Crowds of children then pile into waiting Mears company coaches and say goodbye to their parents. The Mayor passes along the coaches shaking hands with children who reach out through the windows. The coaches then pull away and the parents wave to their children as they depart.
Keywords: Children; Holidays