Waste: A Message from the Mayor of Twickenham
35mm nitrate film Black & White Sound c.1941 2:06

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Summary: A wartime appeal from the Mayor of the Borough of Twickenham.
Title number: 630
Description: This professionally produced sound film is a salvage appeal, in the form of a message from the Mayor of Twickenham Alderman E.C. Dwyer J.P. The mayor dressed in his official robes and chain of office sits behind a desk and reads a document calling on Borough of Twickenham residents to save metal (including iron and iron railings), paper, rags, sacking, old carpet and similar materials. The appeal was made as part of a salvage drive in the week of 13th-27th September of 1941.
Further information: A label on the film can states: 'Borough of Twickenham: London region Salvage Drive 13th-27th September 1941. Mayors Appeal to be shewn commencing Monday 8th September'.
Keywords: Second World War (1939-1945)
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Richmond upon Thames; Twickenham