Other People
16mm film Black & White Sound c.1950 13:08

Summary: A film about the work of Civil Defence.
Title number: 627
Description: The work of the Borough of Wanstead and Woodford's Civil Defence Committee is presented through an overview of the range of activities it is engaged in. The film appears to be intended both as an informative account and as a tool for recruitment, as it seeks to challenge the audience's idea that civil defence work is done by 'other people'. At the headquarters of the Civil Defence corps in Wanstead Park, there is a meeting of the planning committee including the Clerk to the Authority and a Civil Defence officer. The training opportunities at the headquarters are introduced alongside some of the different roles within the organisation, as wardens, signal corps members, observers and the ambulance service. Inside the building there is a floor map of the area used in a war room type setting. Training facilities outside include a bomb damaged building and a jet fighter plane, on both of which men practice rescue and recovery missions for injured people. First aid skills are also introduced and practiced on volunteers. There are also emergency kitchen facilities cooking up meals with makeshift equipment. The food produced is served up inside to an invited group of elderly women and the local Mayor. The film goes on to stress the social nature of the group with parties for children and adults at Christmas providing an out of uniform opportunity for informal engagement. The film is bookended with film around the Borough of its major roads and shopping streets, including Loughton High Road (around the junction with Brooklyn Avenue).
Credits: Director: Hugh Raggett; Photography: John Franklin; Producer: Robert Shiers; Narrator: Robert Shiers
Keywords: Civil defence; Voluntary work
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Redbridge; South Woodford' Wanstead