Erith and Crayford
16mm film Black & White Sound 1966 9:01

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Summary: A comparative consideration of two Kentish towns.
Title number: 62
Description: A short current affairs item looking at the Kent towns of Crayford and Erith. The film presents some of the history of the area through the Roman, Tudor and Victorian periods and considers its current fate. A slice of Modern Britain, both towns are presented as somewhat lost. While there is new housing on estates of semi-detached homes and in council blocks, and new industries employing people locally, many commute into London for work. The River Thames which once dominated Erith's existence now has a declining role in contemporary life. Residents old and new repeatedly talk about the lack of entertainment available in the area, especially for the local youth. There are proposals for new building, including a planned redevelopment of Crayford city centre but the members of the public interviewed fear that such redevelopment will offer them little and take away elements that they care about.
Further information: The item appears to be related to the results of the 1965 Erith Parliamentary By-election for the Erith & Crayford Constituency featured in LSA/0038. The can in the Bexley Archive was labelled 'Road Safety in Erith and Crayford', although the print inside was discovered to be a different film upon digitisation. The can contained this note: 'Sent with compliments of BBC Television on the specific understanding it will be used for your purely private purposes only and not for any form of public showing. The copyright remains the property of the BBC'.
Keywords: Town and country planning; Urban development
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Bexley | United Kingdom; England; London; Erith | United Kingdom; England; London; Crayford | United Kingdom; England; London; Thames (River) | United Kingdom; london; Kent