Nothing But The Tooth
16mm film Colour Sound 1970s 13:07

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Summary: Film and animation. Contents: teething, suggestions to help a baby when teething, film of a visit to the doctors. Demonstrates how to teeth from a baby into childhood. Mentions the importance of fluoride. Film of a child going to visit the doctor. Includes Cheshunt Health Centre; Herts County Medical Officer; Herts Principal Dental Officer; Director of Nursing Services Herts.
Title number: 581
Description: Film and animation. Contents: teething, suggestions to help a baby when teething, film of a visit to the doctors. Demonstrates how to teeth from a baby into childhood. Mentions the importance of fluoride. Film of a child going to visit the doctor. Includes Cheshunt Health Centre; Herts County Medical Officer; Herts Principal Dental Officer; Director of Nursing Services Herts.