Teething Time
16mm film Colour Sound 1970s 18:13

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Summary: Film is about the importance of healthy eating during pregnancy. Shows the formation of teeth in a foetus. The teething process in children and about healthy eating in childhood. Mentions the importance of fluoride, the need to brush for two minutes. Describes a visit to the dentist as a child. Discusses the three Rs, regular toothbrushing, right diet and regular visits to the dentist.
Title number: 580
Description: Film is about the importance of healthy eating during pregnancy. Shows the formation of teeth in a foetus. The teething process in children and about healthy eating in childhood. Mentions the importance of fluoride, the need to brush for two minutes. Describes a visit to the dentist as a child. Discusses the three Rs, regular toothbrushing, right diet and regular visits to the dentist.