MBH Public Health Films Compilation
DVD Black & White Silent Unknown 78:00

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Summary: A compilation of council film material about housing conditions in the Borough of Hackney.
Title number: 4937
LSA ID: LSA/6700
Description: A film showing the terrible housing conditions faced by many people living in Hackney and how they are being addressed. It begins with close ups of bugs crawling over linen, before showing a Cyanide Fumigation Chamber at Hackney's Disinfecting Station. There are views of a trailer of Hackney residents' possessions being backed into the cyanide fumigation chamber at the disinfecting station (described as the first of its kind to be built in England). A pedestrian door at the side of the chamber is painted with the words
Further information: There is some repetition of material.
Keywords: Housing; Public health; Urban planning
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney