Sweet Dreams
16mm film Black & White Silent 1962 16:40

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Summary: Amateur fiction story about the theft of sweets at a boys boarding school, made by boys from Cornwell Secondary School, East Ham
Title number: 493
Description: Opening Title: Cornwell Secondary School, East Ham presents:
Title Card: Sweet Dreams
Intertitle: Written and produced by Second Year Boys during a residential film making course, Debden, Summer 1962
Opening shot of a sign that says Debden Boarding School for Boys
Opening scene at night time shows the dormitory of the boarding school, then a hallway with the door to the headmaster's office. In the office we see a pair of gloved hands stealing items from the desk top. The next morning the headmaster it speaking to another teacher saying some items from his office have gone missing.
We switch to an outside scene where an older boy leans against the back wall of the school looking ne'er do well, when two younger boys come into the garden examining a bag. The older boy bullies them into giving him the bag which turns out to be sweets. He returns to the dorm and puts the sweets in his drawer.
Next scene at night - the boys are sleeping in the dorm. One of the younger boys gets up and it is apparent from the way he moves that he is sleep walking. He picks up a pair of gloves and goes to the drawer containing the candy (the drawer has a sign saying "hands off" stuck to the outside". The boys removes the entire drawer and while still sleep walking takes it into the garden where he digs up a box, empties the candy into the box and buries the box again.
The next morning the older boy discovers his candy drawer is empty. Keeping an eye on the other boys that night he sees the sleepwalker get up and put on gloves. He interrupts him and discovers he is sleep walking. The younger boy walks down the stairs to the garden followed by the older boy who sees him dig up his box from the garden. After the younger boy has returned to the dorm the older boy digs up the box and discovers not only candy but the items stolen from the headmaster's office. As he is holding one of the items the headmaster appears and nicks him for the theft despite his protestations that it was the sleep walking boy.
The next scene is looking into the headmaster's office from outside where we can see the shadows of the headmaster is caning the boy he "caught".
IT The End
Cast: The boys of Cornwell Secondary School, East Ham
Further information: Film written and produced by second-year boys from Cornwell Secondary School, East Ham, during a residential film-making course at Debden House, Essex, Summer 1962.