Reminiscences 1970s-1990s
audio cassette unknown Unknown 1970s-1990s 0:00

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Summary: Cassettes containing mainly reminiscences from the 1970s to the 1990s, but including 'Women's Safety on Housing Estates' (made by Walworth Cable Radio Women's Group), 'Bermondsey Memories' (made by Teresa Watkin with the Horizon Radio Project), 'Real Stee
Title number: 4912
LSA ID: LSA/6593
Description: Cassettes containing mainly reminiscences from the 1970s to the 1990s, but including 'Women's Safety on Housing Estates' (made by Walworth Cable Radio Women's Group), 'Bermondsey Memories' (made by Teresa Watkin with the Horizon Radio Project), 'Real Stee