West Ham Schools 1936 Schools Part 3
16mm film Black & White Silent 1936 16:40

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Summary: County Borough of West Ham 1936. Some Characteristic Phases of Education in Primary, Central and Day Continuation Schools. Part 3 Power Equipment and Wood Turning Metal Work
Title number: 473
Description: County Borough of West Ham 1936 Some characteristic phases of Education in Primary, Central and day continuation schools.
1. Woodturning and metal work and power equipment.
2. Central schools. Art room printing press. Dramatic work, Scottish dancing, various crafts, advanced woodwork, polishing, forging a knocker.
3. Commercial signs, typing and duplication.
4. School for the deaf including lessons under the trees (Special schools).
5. Day continuation schools.
Opening scene shows a metal workshop with a variety of boys working on machines such as a Lathe, one scene depicts a boy crafting a weight, a boy in profile from the back is seen lifting a similar weight. Various machines are seen in operation the final frame depicts a plumb weight descending as the intertitle comes into frame.
IT: Central Schools.
Girls and boys work in an art room, basket weaving, lamp shades, woven cushion. Other activities include still life drawing, production of posters with a printing press, using blocks, setting the type, and printing the poster.
Students in garden undertaking dramatic activities (dressed in Oriental costumes), Girls undertaking highland dancing, a small orchestra plays.
IT: Varied crafts in a Central School workshop.
A group of boys undertake wood work activities, possibly making cupboards, using a full range of tools. A forge is featured, with a Forger making a Door knocker.
IT: Day continuation schools.
School room features a typing class-mostly girls with some boys-another class features boys using a duplicating machine (possibly a Gestetner) producing leaflets.
IT: Special Schools.
School for the deaf, story and rhythmic work with the aid of the multitone. A schoolroom features a mixed class with multitone (hearing aid) equipment, a record plays and the students appear to be conducting with the record.
IT: Lessons under the trees.
Students sit with teacher under the tree-a blackboard features a number of words-the teacher points to a word and the children mime the activity. A child has a Birthday cake. A group of school boys are outside as a shop activity (visiting and buying something) is demonstrated. A map of the UK is featured with the Teacher asking students to point out locations on the map.
IT: Handwork, Mothercraft and Gardening activities.
A group of boys and girls are undertaking craft activities, a Punch and Judy show is featured in the background. A group of Girls are learning how to bath a baby. A group are show putting on boots, picking up Garden tools and marching towards a Garden. Other activities include cleaning shoes, taking naps with laid out deckchairs, first aid. The film ends with the Children boarding a bus and leaving the school.
Further information: The day continuation schools were set up by the London County Council (LCC) in 1921. The LCC hoped to improve youth employability by teaching vocational skills to young people aged 14 to 16.
Keywords: School; Education; Deaf