From the Family to the Farm
35mm nitrate film Black & White Sound c.1946 13:00

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Summary: Film about turning food waste into animal feed.
Title number: 470
Description: A family listen to a radio in their sitting room, while sat in front of an open fire. The daughter of the family gets up and begins to clear the dining table. She scrapes all the food waste into a bowl. In other households - A woman places sausages on to a grill, a cabbage is sliced in half and placed in a pan, potatoes are peeled, and other food is sliced. On the street - a rubbish collector pushing a trolley collects bags, baskets and buckets of food waste from house gates and empties then into a steel bin on his trolley. Lorries arrive at the factory building of the Wolsey Works on Carpenters Road in Stratford and a man unloads piles of food waste from its rear into a wheelbarrow. Another man shovels piles of the waste from the barrow and into a large pipe, where an Archimedes screw carries it up and away. Elsewhere in the factory, boiling water is poured into a chamber and pumps and engines are seen in action transforming the waste. At the other end of the machinery, the processed material is seen being moved and bagged into compost. Six piles of powdered material are signposted to indicate their nature: 'Meat - Bone Meal', 'Blood Meal', 'Whale Meal', 'White Fish Meal', 'Milk Powder', and 'Seaweed Meal'. These ingredients are mixed as they are poured into a funnel supplying rectangular sacks. A fishing boat is seen at sea, and moving up the River Thames under Tower Bridge (which has its bridge up to allow a larger ship passage through). A large freight ship is shown unloading goods at the London docks (including a car being craned down from ship to shore). Dockers move crates and sacks. Elsewhere crates of fish from Hull are unloaded. Shots within a laboratory show men mixing liquids in glassware. Sacks of animal feed re seen being delivered to a dairy farm by a horse drawn cart. The film concludes with some general shots about the farm include mechanical milking, feeding time for young cows, pigs and hens.
Credits: Director: John Page; Producer: John Page; Commentator: Morton King; Recordist: Harry Sheridan
Further information: The film was made with 'thanks to the directors of Wolsey, Stratford'.
Keywords: Refuse collection; Recycling; recycling facilities
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Newham; Stratford; West Ham