World's Record Crowd
16mm film Black & White Silent 1923 6:51

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Summary: An item from the Pathe Gazette newsreel on the 1923 FA Cup Final. Item is from newsreel issued on the 7th May 1923 of the event on 23rd April 1923.
Title number: 460
Description: The newsreel states that a world record crowd watched West Ham United and Bolton Wanderers' great struggle for "The Cup" at the new stadium at Wembley, in the White Horse Cup Final. Crowds of people get off a train to try and get into the match which sells out quickly leaving many who are disappointed and decide to clamber over the wall instead. Another title informs that 'At 3 O'clock 10,000 people had invaded the pitch making play impossible. An aerial shot of the stadium, shows the pitch completely engulfed with people, while another shot from the pitch, shows the stands equally full to bursting. Police on horseback clear the pitch. Some fans are shown with team mascots, including large hammers. A shot of the 'Pathe mascot' reveals a camera hidden inside a large hammer. The game eventually commences and is filmed from the air and the stands. The game is won by Bolton. Both teams are filmed posing for the camera, and Bolton's captain, Joe Smith, is singled out for a solo portrait.
Further information: The pitch invasion shown in this item apparently led to the decision to institute all ticket games. The Pathe camera hidden in the hammer is more than a gimmick, rights to film matches were sold off and guarded, leaving companies without rights to resort to trickery to get their own pictures of big games - hence the hidden camera and the cameraman's false moustache disguise.
Keywords: Association football
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Brent; Wembley