Representing the Community: Permission to Speak
16mm film Colour Sound 1974 24:24

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Summary: Television film about London housing issues.
Title number: 459
Description: This documentary on housing problems in the London Borough of Lambeth considers how the local community took action to try and alleviate the lack of affordable places to live. There is tension between community activists, elected councillors and established residents as concerns are raised regarding homelessness, squats, short-life housing, the council housing list, and empty council houses. The documentary asks whether the public can truly affect the actions of council policy, specifically the council's housing committee. How effective has the tactic of direct action been? There are interviews with: Francis McLellan, Chairman of the Neighbourhood Council community group; Ann and Jeff Jones squat residents; Colin Blour, Councillor & Chair of Housing Committee; and David Stimpson, Leader of the Council.
Credits: Commentary by: Sue Lawley; Produced by: Suzanne Davies; Sound: Alan Cooper; Sound: John Gatland; Sound: Alan Kane; Sound: Bernard Mattimore; Photography: Nick Gifford; Photography: Bill Johnson; Photography :Mike Shepherd; Photography: Ken Willicombe; Fi
Further information: Features a young Ken Livingstone taking part in meetings of the housing committee and a full council meeting.
Keywords: Housing; Local government; Urban planning
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Lambeth