Representing the Community: 'The People's Choice'
16mm film Colour Sound 1974 24:37

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Summary: A television film about the democratic process.
Title number: 456
Description: A documentary about the political and electoral processes of councils presented through the example of Lambeth Council. It follows Colin Blour the Labour candidate for Larkhall Ward, and his competitors John Stocker, a shopkeeper and the Conservative candidate and Colin Kerrigan a hairdresser and the Liberal candidate for Larkhall Ward. Through interviews and film of Blour and the other two men the film considers the selection procedure of candidates for council elections, how well candidates know the area they represent and how central government puts restraints on council action. The men are seen distributing party literature, Monitoring turnout on Election Day, and attending the vote counting and election results. The film also features comment from the public about how they feel about the elections revealing a general dissatisfaction with politics. Labour Councillor Ken Livingstone speaks about the internal party elections for positions on the council. Francis McLellan, Chairman of the Neighbourhood Council community group speaks about alternative forms of local democracy.
Credits: Commentary by: Sue Lawley; Produced by: Suzanne Davies; Sound: Alan Cooper; Sound: Julian Baldwin; Sound: Peter Downey; Sound: Bernard Mattimore; Photography: Martin Kailey; Photography: Bill Johnson; Photography: Ian Stone; Film Editor: Mike Mauger; Seri
Keywords: Democracy; Local government
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Lambeth