Professor Ernest Orlando Lawrence Faraday Medallist film
16mm film Black & White Sound 1957 4:32

Summary: A filmed interview with Professor Lawrence Faraday Medallist in 1952.
Title number: 4491
LSA ID: LSA/6116
Description: This film was made in 1957 when Professor Lawrence was 55 years old. During the second world war Professor Lawrence was part of a team of American and British scientists concerned with the development of fissile materials. The Faraday Medal was awarded to Professor Lawrence in 1952 in recognition of his distinguished work in the field of nuclear physics. Professor Lawrence is seated at a desk and signs the IEE Faraday Medal book before commencing his interview.
Cast: interviewee: Professor Lawrence
Further information: File of information, including script, relating to the film of the Faraday Medallist, Professor Ernest O Lawrence is held at the IET Archives and available to view by appointment.
Keywords: Engineering; Science; nuclear physics; Nobel Prize
Locations: London