Sir Stanley Angwin Faraday Medallist film
16mm film Black & White Sound 1953 0:00

Summary: A filmed interview with Colonel Sir Stanley Angwin, awarded the Institution of Electrical Engineers Faraday Medal in 1953.
Title number: 4452
LSA ID: LSA/6071
Description: Interview with Colonel Sir Stanley Angwin (Honorary Fellow in 1956 and IEE President 1942-43) on the occasion of receiving the IEE Faraday Medal in 1953. He was 69 years old when the film was made. It opens with stills of Savoy Place, the London home of the IEE (now the IET) and stills of Post Office buildings, internal shots of radio communication room, and moving image of cable ships. In the interview Sir Stanley talks about his work in telecommunications and long distance communication and the active part he played in the research and development in these fields. The film runs for 8 minutes and 4 seconds.
Cast: Interviewee: Sir Stanley Angwin
Further information: File of information, including script, relating to this film and photographs of Sir Stanley are held at the IET Archives and available to view by appointment.
Keywords: Engineering; Telephony; Telecommunications; Post Office