Old People's Film (104)
16mm film negative Black & White Silent 26/06/1961 9:15
Summary: A talent contest featuring elderly residents from Dagenham is followed by a quick drink down a local pub.
Title number: 4413
LSA ID: LSA/6026
Description: Two older women in loose dresses dance together on a stage while another plays the piano. The audience, which seems to also be entirely elderly people, cheers. Another woman performs onstage in pyjamas, singing and dancing. The next woman sings energetically, then a man in a tuxedo sings and dances. Two women, one comically overdressed with a fur stole and feathered hat, seem to sing. The next woman carries a doll, cradling it like a baby. The man in the tuxedo returns to the stage with all the other women lined up behind him, and shakes hands with some other men on stage, including one who wears a top hat. Presumably, this is some sort of talent show put on to entertain the elderly crowd. More contestants perform, including a Pearly King. After the show, we see the audience outside, getting onto a coach. We follow the coach through the countryside (Essex?), until it stops at a country pub, where the elderly people enjoy a few pints.
Keywords: Pub; Elderly people; talent show; Pearly King
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Dagenham