Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames
16mm film Colour Sound c.1964 20:53

Summary: A municipal film celebrating the Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames.
Title number: 437
Description: A celebratory portrait of Kingston-Upon-Thames made just prior to the Borough's merger with Malden and Coombe, and Surbiton as a new Greater London Borough. The film attempts to paint the borough as a successful combination of traditional and modern elements. It positions Kingston as the central location attracting trade and people from the county of Surrey, as workers and shoppers. Many of Kingston's historic elements are featured, including the Market Place, Market House, the Coronation Stone, Kingston Bridge, Clatten Bridge over the Hogsmill, the Griffin Hotel, 'The Druid's Head' public house, All Saints Parish Church, Lovekyn Chantry Chapel and the Cleaves Almshouses. There are also shots of the modern elements of town including Kingston Station, the modern Guildhall, Surrey County Hall, the County Court and the premises of local employers Bentalls Insurance, B & S Plastics, Hawker Siddley Aviation, Chillon Paints, Vine Brooks winemakers and the Surrey Comet Newspaper. The Borough's contribution to the development of cinema is not forgotten either with film of exhibits from the collection at Fairfield West Museum. On Kingston's river frontage, Turk's boatyard is the setting for the launch of the Queen's Swan Master onto the Thames (there's also footage of the traditional 'swan-upping' in July). Other river users featured are the Minima Yacht Club, Kingston Rowing Club, the Leander Sea Scouts and a steamer making its way to Hampton Court. The film is also keen to present the services provided for by the rates. To this effect it shows street lamps, street cleaning, rubbish collection, Kingston crematorium, the perfumed Garden for the Blind, the library service, Canbury Park and swimming baths. Various social housing schemes are presented, from the pioneer estates of Norbiton, new flats on Acre Road and the Kingsnympton estate to flats for the elderly on Gloucester Road and plans for new development on Cambridge Road. The Borough's educational services are represented by the Tiffin Grammar School for Girls, St. Joseph's School, Kingston College of Technology and Kingston College of Art. Members of the council are seen in chamber and in committee, including making a vote on whether to authorise a film about the Borough.
Credits: Director: Norman Hemsley
Keywords: Boroughs
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Kingston-Upon-Thames
I attended Latchmere Infants, then Junior School, whilst living in Kingston, until 1964. Then whilst living in New Malden, attending Hollyfield School, Surbiton. I have revisited numerous times since leaving the area.
We always went shopping in Kingston.
The shops offered so much choice. Bentalls Department Store was absolutely wonderful, for so many different things. Including Music booths & Ice Cream Sodas!
The Main Market, Apple Market & Monday Market were always regularly visited, for their produce.
The Swimming Baths, Library, Canbury Gardens & the Riverside & of course the Cinemas!
Wonderful memories of a great place to live & enjoy!