Kingston Civic Festival: The Mayor Speaks to You
16mm film Black & White Sound c.1936 3:05

Summary: The Mayor of Kingston-Upon-Thames promotes the district's upcoming Civic Festival.
Title number: 434
Description: A short address by the Mayor of Kingston-Upon-Thames, who sits behind his desk in his ceremonial dress and chain and speaks directly to the camera. He encourages the local population's participation in the Civic Festival to celebrate civic pride which will be held in June and outlines some of the activities that the festivities will include. He welcomes the upcoming visits by the Duke of Kent and Sir Kingsley Wood, the Minister of Health.
Further information: Given the parochial nature of the address, it seems likely that this film was made to be exhibited in local cinemas. The film was produced by Warner Brothers First National Productions Ltd who had purchased nearby Teddington Film Studios in 1934.
Keywords: Festivals; Mayors
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Kingston-Upon-Thames