Street Parade / Rotary Speech
16mm film Colour Silent 1960s 8:43
Summary: Isleworth Regatta in the 1960s
Title number: 428
Description: A film of Isleworth Regatta which was held annually on the Thames by Syon House. The towpath, Lady Caroline's Patio, was filled with fundraising stalls which were organised by Isleworth Rotary Club.
Credits: Cameraman: Dr. Henry Mandiwall
Cast: Joyce Mandiwall
Further information: Dr Henry Mandiwall (1903-1986) was a Hounslow amateur filmmaker and a dentist. In the late 1940s, he and Stanley Drummond Jackson made a film on venepuncture techniques for general practice that was accepted by the British Medical Association. It became the first of a series of films detailing Jackson's intravenous technique adopted by various teaching bodies (copies are held in the Wellcome Library). Jackson founded the Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry (SAAD); Mandiwall was the society's president in 1969. He was also a leading figure in the Boy Scout movement, specialising in promoting scouting to disabled children.
Keywords: parade; speech; celebration